General Skin Conditions
Conditions of the skin are not limited to Skin Cancers and Psoriasis, and Dr. Crawford in addition to having a Masters Degree in Skin Cancer Medicine has also studied and received Diplomas in Dermatology from University of Wales Cardiff U.K. and National University of Singapore and regularly attends international conferences on dermatology.
At Appearance Medical Centre we are able to offer extensive first contact dermatological assessment and treatment with a minimum of delay.
Frequently individuals present with the common variety of:
- eczematous conditions
- fungal infections
- hand, hair and nail conditions
- a hugh variety of itchy scaling rashes
- urticarial and allergic conditions
- difficult to manage Rosacea
- Infants with eczema, nappy rash and fungal infections are particularly distressing to young parents and we are particularly able to assist with cost effective management and advice.

Not only are adolescents and young adults distressed with acne, often parents are concerned with the condition of their child. There are many confusing and costly medications thrown at acne, many are ineffective or rendered ineffective by inadequate application or advice. With the correct direction of use with medications most acne may be suppressed or controlled without a cupboard full of half used medications. More difficult acne may require application of physical therapies such as photo dynamic therapy, microdermabrasion or face peels. Sometimes mature adults develop acne and this could signal the need for a more comprehensive assessment to determine the cause. For an assessment or further information please contact us.